Thursday, January 27, 2011

study nights..

tomorrow is test day which means tonight - I sit on the brand-spankin new couch and watch my recorded Vamp Diaries and Selling New York while Blake studies into the wee hours over there in his office. Tonight, to make the evening just a tad sweeter I blended up a delicious treat... MILKSHAKES! gosh I love wedding presents..

mine, vanilla with chocolate chip cookies and m&ms and Blake's, chocolate with orange.. bleh.. his taste in all foods is just a little off.. but he's just so dang cute!

Last night, and most nights, Blake get's a study partner..


I like that she keeps him company... we're thinking about getting her a bed in the corner for the long nights..

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

today was god..

today for first time in a really long time I'd say, I felt god near. I was heading back to the new office from lunch listening to something on the radio, cannot even remember now, and I had an overwhelming feeling of joy and contentment. It was like Christ was just cruisin' in my passenger seat, window down, arm out the window, just glancing over at me with his wayfarers, saying with a subtle nod, "hey, this is the life."

so, this is where I am and I feel content and grateful. Praise God that He decided to bless me with a full-time job, praise God that I get to be married to Blake, praise God that he hears the cries of his people. I want to be, in a new-year's-resolution kind of way, more aware of Christ's blessings and Christ's nearness. Lord, teach me to sing psalms and praises, Lord, teach me listen when you are near.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

one reason I love married life..


Sleeping in until 12:30, breakfast (homemade bacon, egg, cheese biscuits) at 1:30, aggie win, staying on the new pull-out king temperpedic couch/bed til dinner time.

love life.