Wednesday, February 2, 2011

snow day #2

well.. here we are, day 2 of dallas' annual snow storm.. this only happens once a year always around the same time - last year I think it was a little closer to Valentine's, so we're early..

I'm not complaining - yesterday, I got a ton-o-thank you cards done, cut me some bangs, prepared our budget for next year and figured out our budget for February - August... let me just say Blake and I get to split a daily allowance of 16 dollars a day until August. We think we can stick to it.. I get to save my 8 bucks today - because I'm stuck in the house until all ice goes away.. but Blake on the other hand has already used his week's allowance, because he ordered Planet Earth - suckerrrr! we'll see how well this goes for us..

gosh i'm rambling in my head - I NEED TO GET OUTTA THIS APARTMENT! a 2-day snow day is a little much for me..

here are our pictures from day 1 (day 2 may be a little boring, it's me.. sitting on the couch.. watching HGTV all day finishing thank-you's - Blake left me today to go do Doctor things on campus- he's such a good student)


cute lil Kota butt

yes, I put her in her precious sweater..


I just realized how pretty our "back-yard" is.. wow.. snow makes things look good!

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