Reunited. With the thought of spending 2 and a half weeks Dakota-less really weighing us down with sadness, Blake and I embarked on a 3 hour arduous journey to Mullin to pick her up from my parents and spend a weekend with some Bakers and a Cooper.
The country air welcomed us in along with the perfectly placed stars.
Blake and Kota cuddled all night until the morning. She was happy to see her daddy.
Then we dabbled in a little homemade ice-cream making adventure. Apricot and Vanilla. I sat on the maker while Brandon and Blake took turns cranking it.
me supervising.
Dakota supervising.
20 minutes later. homemade icecream. what a delightful afternoon on the front porch in Mullin.
The Dr. Pepper bottling plant and Old Doc's Soda Shop. A Texas staple.
very cool ceiling tiles. getting inspiration for what to do with mine.
Blake likes his Dr. Pepper frosty.
Great post! How enjoyable! And that ice cream looks delicious!